Dayens Ampino Integrated |
- "This unit has deep accurate bass, plenty of depth and a nice sparkle on the top end. Though you will see where it ranks in a moment, this is the piece that left me most impressed. If you only have two sources and you want great sound for little coin, stop looking.
- "This one had a very rich midrange to it, but did bring the lead singer out into the room more. At 25 watts per channel, its a tiny amp that packs a lot of punch." http://forum.polkaudio.com/
Dayens Ampino Integrated |
- “Trust in your hearing and your heart and you should try to listen little Ampino as soon as possible.
If you don’t do this you will miss an important part of domestic HiFi history." Zoran Karapandzic, Hi-Files #21
Dayens Ampino Integrated |
- "What a discovery!" Srajan Ebaen, 6moons
Dayens Ampino Integrated |
- "The Ampino will transport you to where you can sit back and listen for hours to
music rather than an audio system." Steve Kozle, Stereomojo
Dayens Menuetto Custom |
- "Dayens from Serbia. Once again a company whose existence I had never heard before Wolfgang Kemper's appearance of the Dayens Ecstasy III Custom 2 meeting . The former Eastern Bloc is increasingly establishing itself as a counterbalance to the mass producers who have their products made in China and only stick their name tags to the products. From Serbia I already had the Soulines Dostoyevsky , from Romania the Audiobyte Black Dragon and of course as a classic the Heed Obelisk Sifrom Hungary. All of these companies have a peculiarity that they are usually owner-managed and the devices produced are born out of a passion for music. "
- "The paint and body of the strings are precisely realistic and holistic. At Pizzicati you can almost see the plucking of the strings. Brass instruments have a lot of radiance and brilliance, horns the quite characteristic pressure that the Dayens transports very impressively. In choral works, the Dayens Menuetto very realizes the power of voices and keeps the middle between mouths and bodies."
- "Dayens Menuetto keeps the tradition of small, the music of committed amplifier like no other. He places music in the middle of the room and values authenticity higher than brute force. Nice that in times of almost equalized offers there are also individualists." Matthias Jung, HiFi Statement
Dayens Menuetto Integrated |
- "Dayens Menuetto:
This is where a new competitor comes in the form of the small Serbian amplifier Dayens. The brand has built a 2x50W to 8ohm amplifier with high quality components (eg Mundorf capacitors) that are rare even in thousands of euros. Its construction still has a touch of craftsmanship and is very poor in terms of functions. It clearly rests on the maxim of less is more, with only 4 RCA inputs, a volume knob and an input selector. For 990 €, this amp is a find! Its 50W is quite sufficient for the Silver 200 and achieves a very good balance between the various volumes."
- "Creek Evolution 50A:
Since long ago one of the favorites here at VilaSound, the Creek lags slightly in terms of body and detail compared to the Dayens." Gustavo Rosa, Vila Sound
Dayens Menuetto Integrated |
- "The Menuetto has a charming look, black finish and compact size, with a light green light on the front panel. The weight of the Menuetto surprised me; I did not anticipate a hefty 7.5kgs for such a compact chassis (much of this due to the power supply)"
- "Some of the discs I listen to a lot at the moment like the latest Brad Meldhau and Mariza (a fabulous Fado singer) had a very pleasing natural presence."
- "Dayens is a brand that has to be considered from now on. The musical performance compared to its price is remarkable. The customer is assured ‘a lot for his money’."
- "Well done to Neil for having found this brand and thank you for providing
the Menuetto for this review. The Menuetto will soon be available in the
auditorium of Voir et Emouvoir."
Dayens Menuetto Integrated |
- "First impressions of the sound given by the Menuetto was a terrifically tuneful bass and dynamics that were instantly surprising."
- "Longer listening to the Menuetto got me really engrossed in its sound, it’s warm with vibrancy and surprisingly detailed and transparent, with a terrific soundstage"
- "It comes packed with great PRaT, an informative balance of tone and detail and is dynamically capable of conveying drama and expression that will shock any Hifi aficionado."
- "In this price range and a couple of bands higher, the Menuetto is going to upset some of the more mainstream brands with its confident attitude and remarkable performance." http://hifipig.com/
Dayens Menuetto Integrated |
- "My ears are not good enough to find any flaws with this piece. This was the Jordan Spieth of integrated amp world…it doesn’t necessarily do anything great, but does nothing bad. Solid all the way around. I’ll contradict myself here a little bit by saying that this piece was the most transparent of all the ones we listened to."
- "I have one word to describe this pairing - LIQUID. Holee crapola. This pairing rivals some of the best I've heard. Everything just sounded so natural, like watching water flow. Everything was in its place, had a sweet sound to it, and was extremely organic. It wasn't forward or recessed. Nothing was overemphasized or underemphasized. This is approaching that nirvana that people spend years, sometimes decades, trying to achieve." http://forum.polkaudio.com/
Dayens Menuetto Integrated |
- "Homework for competition Conclusion As with other Dayens devices in Menuetto is noticeable great enthusiasm while playing all kinds of materials - it was made by people who are themselves lovers of quality sound and good music, which you can clearly hear from every note. The visual impression is another plus, Menuetto, with it's discreet appearance and combination of classic and modern details, will easily fit into any environment. Finally, as already mentioned, freedom from non-core functions is not considered a minus but a brilliant way to get to the best possible sound at a given price. In this category, Menuetto is the champion." HiFiles No. 52, March 2013.
Dayens Menuetto Integrated |
- "After spending a couple of years in audio bliss with the Ampino, I felt the need to scratch my audiophile itch, and upgraded to their higher-end integrated amplifier, the Dayens Menuetto. An upgrade of this caliber requires a great deal of faith in a company and its products for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that Dayens products are built in Serbia, and not readily available for audition in the US unless you live near their single US distributor in Georgia, which I do not. That said, I'm extremely happy with my new Dayens Menuetto integrated ($1250) - it offers the same open, lively sound, and extremely wide frequency range (1Hz - 200kHz) from a more powerful 40watts per channel. Output that is more dialed in, and just a touch more refined and dignified than the already excellent Ampino. Think: less "jumpy." Steve Kozle, Positive Feedback
Dayens Menuetto Integrated |
- "More over, the Dayens amplifiers (now two in my experience) have proven themselves reliable, very quiet in terms of electrical noise, and versatile in terms of preferred speaker pairings. I really wish there were a less clich�d way to convey to you that I really recommend you shortlist the Dayens Menuetto in its respective price range when auditioning amplification; especially if you particularly value tonal beauty but don’t want to put up with some of the added… errr… lets call it fun of owning a tube amplifier." David Abramson, Stereo Times

Dayens Ecstasy III Custom |
- A musical character that has been successfully balanced between pleasant timbre and transparency
- I was amazed at how finely chased and plastically the details were worked out. Frappierend I found the drums, with which I felt the diameter of the cymbals felt centimetergenau. Gregory Porter's voice also impressed with nuances and was only a minimal touch warmer than usual, which seemed very credible to me. There is no shortage of enemy dynamics. Joni Mitchell's music of Lady Of The Canyon sounded beautiful, the guitar filigree shimmering. Again, I felt the voice as authentic, also a little bit warmer than known.
- The Dayens amplifier has a huge addictive potential. His way of playing music does not make him tired.
- Statement:The Dayens Ecstasy III in the Custom 2 version captivates in every aspect: it is cleanly processed with high-quality components and sounds absolutely magical, because the listener captivates with its nuanced, feindynamic and tonally perfectly balanced reproduction. Its price proves that you do not have to grab an amplifier with excellent sound and sufficient performance not necessarily abgrundtief into the portmonee. The Dayens is probably the loud choice for many loudspeakers. HiFi Statement

Dayens Ecstasy III Integrated |
- Ecstasy III proposes uncommon saturation of sound, its clarity and physical presence within the meaning of organic and carnal. Here, you just feel and hear real music. Such an advanced sound character reminiscent of amplifiers with a much higher price point. I am writing these words with conviction.
- The creators of Esctasy III paid a lot of attention to this in order to obtain a transparent and spacious soundstage. As a result, you can easily hear the real artists and tangible instruments skillfully and precisely arranged in a wide and deep space. The individual virtual sources are authentic, clearly and materially exist between the speakers, are exactly located, have clear outlines and filling. You can write that thanks are fantastically vivid. This proves that Dayens has above-average skills to build high-quality stereo and a coherent and symmetrical space. These are simply phenomenal.
- Conclusion: Dayens Esctasy III is an amplifier that provides full and robust sound with a high concentration of music and phenomenal tonal saturation. It has a beautiful color - a natural, but attractive; a bit warmed and sweetened, but precise. Ecstasy III has a very plastic and euphonic sound. Organic. Dayens provides sophisticated and advanced sound, very gentlemanly. It's one of the best amplifiers with which I have dealt in the price range of about 10 000 PLN. I would recommend necessarily to listen! Stereo i Kolorowo

Dayens Ecstasy III Integrated |
- Here the core appeal is sweet, slightly soft and mellow, warm and distinctly not dry plus very spacious without being ultra specific about it.
- Expertly, beautifully and sophisticatedly voiced.
- Some of the design choices here paralleled certain tube qualities. Having owned a number of glow amps this is no uninformed chatter.
- I'd give the nod to the Dayens for a higher dose of languorous fluidity and silkier tone.
- If you consider the €2K barrier for integrated amps transitional, you could suspect that walking across this bridge compromises refinement. The Ecstasy III would beg to differ.
- A winning combination of silkiness, fluid spaciousness and minorly golden tone. It's the antithesis of choppy, edgy, bright, cutting or coarse. Srajan Ebaen, 6moons
Dayens Ecstasy IVse Power |
- The Dayens clearly had more tonal density; more sonic meat on the bone. Through it, Freire’s artfully recorded piano was slightly more corporeal and the dynamic swings were more apparent. Additionally, I experienced an effect which I hadn’t since I heard the lovely Wells Majestic integrated; namely, electrical silence.
- String tone glows and you can really perceive at times the felted piano hammer on string effect just prior to the resultant singing tone. The stage is broad and most importantly, Uchida through the Dayens makes you smile. There is nothing missing. You don’t wish for more this or less that. Moreover, the recording sounds suitably less reproduced and more actual. David Abramson, Stereo Times
Dayens Ecstasy IV Power |
- Turning on the Dayens amplifier has all of the drama of turning on a light switch. It is simply on. There are no relays clicking, no delays, no flashing lights, or other indications that anything is happening.
- "Simple" describes the Dayens Ecstasy IVse almost perfectly. It has no features; it is black; it is a nicely built box. It is an amplifier simplified to the point where it could not be made simpler without losing its ability to function. And that function is to reproduce music.
- The Dayens Ecstasy IVse reproduces music with life, dynamics, power, neutrality, and tonal accuracy within a detailed and utterly credible soundstage. It is also, apparently, bulletproof.
- The Ecstasy IVse has done nothing but sound absolutely terrific with every bit of music that I have listened to while it has been part of my system. I am sure Nikola Tesla would be extremely proud of how his countrymen have used his electrical explorations to create an object capable of providing so much delight and beauty. Kent Johnson, Positive Feedback
Dayens Ampino Stereo Power |
- "The Dayens Ampino stereo power amplifier is what it is beautifully and in every regard; a compact, superbly built, musically even-handed, tonally balanced, engaging, reliable audio device at an extremely reasonable price. I’m hanging on to mine."
David Abramson, The StereoTimes
Dayens Ampino Stereo Power |
- "Playback is tonally perfect, resolution, stability of the stage and all the musical illustration in the room is more than impressive. What more could you say? In this price range is the best thing I've come across so far." Christian Rechenbach, hifitest.de (Testredaktion Einsnull)
Dayens Ampino Mono Power |
- "I found the Ampino amplifiers to be well balanced, detailed, refined, and yet never boring or stodgy. These amps have the ability to engage the listener for extended period of time, and perform at a level that is typically reserved for products that sell for significantly more. ..." John Hoffman, Positive Feedback
Dayens Ampino Mono Power |
- "The Ampino is an extremely solid performer that does punch above its weight."
- "With loudspeaker matchmaking done right, it excels with speed and downright ebullience,
providing a richer, fruitier alternative to the more established players in the budget integrated field."
John Darko, Digital Audio Review